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Best Home Coffee Machines Blog

How To Use a Milk Frother: Pro Tips and Tricks

How To Use a Milk Frother: Pro Tips and Tricks

Frothing milk is easy once you get the hang of it. Whether you have a handheld frother or an integrated steam wand in your machine, the basic technique is similar. Here’s how to use a milk frother successfully:

– Use full-cream dairy milk for the best results. Make sure it’s both cold and fresh.
– Start by foaming the top of your milk first. Gently swirl the milk around for texture.
– Move your milk frother up and down for better aeration.

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Espresso Machine Maintenance: The Essentials

Espresso Machine Maintenance: The Essentials

Proper espresso machine maintenance starts with set up. Clean your components and prime your machine before use. When your machine is up and running, routine upkeep is key.

Tidy daily, deep clean (backflush) once a week, and descale your machine (to really get in there and breathe new life into it) every couple of months. Each of these tasks is simple and will become second nature in time.

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How to Drink Espresso Like an Italian

How to Drink Espresso Like an Italian

If you’re looking to learn how to drink espresso like an aficionado, you may be in for a shock. Technically speaking, there is no correct way to taste espresso, but there are cultural norms you could follow to improve your coffee experience.

In Italy, espresso’s homeland, it’s taken in quick shots. Extra flavors and textures are almost unheard of, and more emphasis is placed on the social aspect of coffee than caffeine, or the intensity of it.

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What is Green Coffee? An Overview

What is Green Coffee? An Overview

We’re all familiar with roasted coffee beans, but what is the green coffee bean craze? Coffee in its raw, unroasted form may have some additional health benefits you don’t know about yet. To find out if it’s all hype, here we examine how those benefits stack up.

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What is Crema in Coffee?

What is Crema in Coffee?

Ever wondered what the brown stuff is on the top of your espresso? That’s crema and it’s the hallmark of a well-made shot. More than just a way to make latte art, crema can tell us a lot about the coffee shot itself, including how fresh the beans are. Here, we delve into espresso crema and take a look at why it matters.

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How to Use an Aeropress

How to Use an Aeropress

If you know how to use an Aeropress, then you too can experience the amazing beverage that’s part espresso, part French press coffee. This portable coffee maker is reasonably priced, easy to take along with you, and, most importantly, brews quality java.

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Iced Coffee vs. Cold Brew

Iced Coffee vs. Cold Brew

The difference between cold brew coffee and iced coffee is subtle but significant. Cold brew is brewed in cold water for 12 or more hours for maximum flavor extraction, while iced coffee is regular coffee cooled with milk, ice, or cold water.

Cold brew is by far the superior coffee — it’s healthier, made to a higher quality, and has a smoother profile. So, in the iced coffee vs cold brew war, it’s the better option.

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How Much Caffeine is in Decaf Coffee?

How Much Caffeine is in Decaf Coffee?

If you love java but need to cut back on caffeine, decaffeinated coffee can be a lifesaver. While it’s not completely caffeine-free, decaffeination processes can remove most of the stimulant. See how decaf compares to a regular cup of joe, why it costs more, and how it was discovered.

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The Strongest Coffee in the World

The Strongest Coffee in the World

Although many companies claim they have produced the strongest coffee in the world, only one company actually has. Black Insomnia, a brew from Cape Town, South Africa, is by far the most caffeinated coffee you can drink. At 1105 milligrams of caffeine per cup, it’s ten times stronger than regular coffee and a single serving contains more than double the recommended daily intake of caffeine.

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How To Use an Espresso Machine

How To Use an Espresso Machine

If you want to brew espresso at home, you’re going to have to buy and learn how to use an espresso machine. It’s a simple process but it does require some accuracy.

Espresso is made by tamping tightly packed grounds inside the portafilter, heating the machine to an optimal temperature of 195 to 205 degrees, and pouring a shot at nine bars of pressure. Your home espresso should brew within 25 to 30 seconds.

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Blade Grinder vs. Burr Grinder

Blade Grinder vs. Burr Grinder

We all agree that freshly ground coffee beans are the way to go, but the blade grinder vs. burr grinder debate leaves some confusion over which is best. Yes, they both grind beans, but they accomplish that in different ways, which has an effect on the resulting coffee’s taste and flavor profile.

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How To Make Coffee Without a Coffee Maker

How To Make Coffee Without a Coffee Maker

Learning how to make coffee without a coffee maker isn’t something that most people think about until they’re faced with a morning with no java. Whether your coffee machine has died or the power went out, knowing how you can brew a cup of joe without a traditional coffee maker is one skill you’ll never regret knowing.

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Organic vs. Non-Organic Coffee Explained

Organic vs. Non-Organic Coffee Explained

The conversation about whether organic is better than non-organic continues across all areas of the food industry — and there are solid arguments on either side. So how about organic vs non-organic coffee? Both types are delicious and, well, caffeinated. But is the organic stuff really that much better for you and is it worth the extra money?

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7 Reasons Your Coffee Tastes Bitter (and How To Fix It)

7 Reasons Your Coffee Tastes Bitter (and How To Fix It)

All coffee has hints of natural bitterness, but if you can’t taste anything else, or it’s so overpowering your coffee is undrinkable, bad brewing could be to blame.

Over extraction, under extraction, stale beans, scorching water, and unkempt machines can all cause bitter coffee. You can remedy intense astringency by learning the correct brewing techniques, keeping your machine and tools clean, and following a set brewing formula.

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Who Invented Coffee? A Look At The History of Coffee

Who Invented Coffee? A Look At The History of Coffee

We don’t know who invented coffee because its history has been lost in time. The most accepted legend says that a goat herder named Kaldi discovered coffee’s effects once his goats ate from coffee fruit more than a thousand years ago.

But if you want to get technical, no one invented coffee because it’s a plant we stumbled upon. Even so, the history of coffee shows that many pioneers shaped the industry and product as we know it today.

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Espresso vs. Coffee — What’s the Difference?

Espresso vs. Coffee — What’s the Difference?

A common bean-related question is: what’s the difference between espresso and coffee? And aren’t they technically the same thing? While it’s true that all espresso is a type of coffee, not all coffee is espresso. It’s all to do with the brewing process. Unlike coffee, which can be made in many ways to produce varying profiles, espresso is extracted by rapid blasts of heat and pressure. This forceful brewing method is what gives it its trademark bold and intense quality.

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What Is A Flat White Coffee? Flat Whites Explained

What Is A Flat White Coffee? Flat Whites Explained

No two white coffees are the same. The difference lies in brewing ratios and presentation. So what is a flat white coffee and what sets it apart? Flat whites are similar to lattes, but because they have a smaller layer of foam, they’re smoother and slightly less diluted. The standard flat white ratio is one-third double espresso to two-thirds steamed milk, and it’s topped with a thin layer of microfoam.

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How To Make Perfect Coffee At Home

How To Make Perfect Coffee At Home

There are several practices that can improve the quality of coffee you make at home. Fresh, high-quality beans, brewed with simple, specialized tools can change your coffee game for the better.

But, when learning how to make perfect coffee at home, the simplest method is the golden one: Use a coffee-water ratio of 1:18 and brew at 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

And if all else fails, buy a coffee machine. It will do the hard work for you!

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The Best Non-Dairy Milk For Coffee

The Best Non-Dairy Milk For Coffee

Searching for the best non-dairy milk for coffee? The choices seem to grow larger each week. While ordinary dairy milk may be the standard choice for coffee, there are many popular non-dairy products. Whether you’re trying to cut calories or avoid allergens, check out these alternative milks that are anything but ordinary.

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From Seed To Cup: How Coffee Is Made

From Seed To Cup: How Coffee Is Made

If you’re wondering how coffee is made, here’s the simple explanation: coffee plants are cultivated, the coffee fruit is harvested, and this fruit’s seeds are then extracted, cleaned, and dried before being sorted by size, weight, and quality. These seeds — raw coffee beans — are then sent to labs where they undergo a series of quality control tests before making their way to manufacturers for roasting, packaging, and sale.

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